Documenting the Learning Process

Koushith B.R
4 min readJan 17, 2020

Hello Guys, welcome to my blog. I’m Koushith. well, I’m documenting my learning process. This helps me to track my progress over time. English is not my first language. so here you can find the live murder of grammar. studied in Kannada medium until my 10th Standard. I never spoke in English until I reached my Under Graduation. I’m constantly trying to improve.

A Quick BackStory about me:

I am from Coorg, studied in Srinivas College of Management Studies, Mangalore. I.e BCA 2019 Batch.after my graduation I started working at EY as an Associate SAP Security Analyst. I got SAP as my domain. Life in MNC’s sucks, we don’t get what we like. Eventually, I ended up in SAP Technology.

At the beginning of 2020, I just decided to learn UI/UX design as a side skill. I always wanted to develop an app, but I was not that good in design. My design skill sucks!! So I just decided to learn UI design and work on my project on the go.

This blog is about my progress in one week, what I’ve learned in a week…

To get started I made a goal list.

Short Term Goal- My short term goal was to quickly get started and finish my project.

Long Term Goal- Long term goal was to learn core design principles in depth.

I was following Abhinav who is a Lead designer at Unacademy. After watching a few of his videos about design principles, typography, colors I got my hands dirty with designing my first UI Screen!! Yes. he is an amazing teacher. I learned to use Figma Design tool just in 25 minutes!!

First UI Screen

This was my first ever UI design which I did in my entire lifetime. Version 1 always sucks, I know it is not the best design but this made me drive crazy and explore this amazing world of UI Design.

Next, I followed Dev Ed’s channel and created a landing page for Lap.. again ugly!!

I know there is no proper spacing, design consistency. But my end goal was to get familiar with the tool and work on my personal project. Not to make the best design decision here.

Now that I know how to use this design tool, I started exploring. I started to recreate the existing design, literally tried to copy the works of best designers out there.

Few of the examples here:

one video from the Design Pilot channel was a game-changer, thanks Chethan for creating this amazing tutorial. After his tutorial, I’ve recreated the existing website which is the best design I’ve ever done.

Now, what’s next??

I’m working on my personal project in a structured way which includes the design process from start to end. I will publish my case study once it’s done.


Here are some of the resources I’ve gone through during the course of these designs.

